
8 Martie | 8th of March | Documentary Film [ENG.SUB] | CINEPUB

12-31-2017 09:32 DOCu 59:39


8 Martie este un film documentar regizat de Alexandru Belc si produs de Libra Film (2012). 8th of March it's a documentary directed by Alexandru Belc and produced by Libra Film (2012). Sinopsis În documentarul 8 Martie, poveştile simple şi umane sunt piesele unui puzzle istoric complicat. Documentarul vorbeşte despre femeile care şi-au trăit tinereţea în comunism şi surprinde mai multe momente ale acestei lumi: o mină lăsată în paragină, un depou de tramvaie, un atelier de confecţii al unei foste case de modă, o fabrică de lactate. 8 Martie oferă o imagine despre Ziua Internaţională a Femei, sărbătorită în fostele ţări socialiste în luna martie. Synopsis A derelict coal mine, a tramway depot, a small ready-made clothing workshop of a former fashion house, a dairy factory, and a world of women who lived their youth in communism. In capitalism, they work in difficult conditions but they do not complain. Their simple and humane stories form a complicated historical puzzle. Routine, frustration, the fear that they may become expendable and could lose their jobs make these women resist heroically and live their destinies like beasts of burden. They had dreams and ideals once. Now they have but one wish: to live long enough to enjoy their retirement. Historical dramas are not always performed at a big scale. Worlds collapse and there are collateral victims. During communism, the 8th of March was the high day when women were celebrated as representatives of the working class. Despre film: Festivals & Awards Festivalul International de Film Transilvania, Cluj, Romania, 2012 Making Waves, NY, U.S.A., 2012 Mediawaves, Komarom, Hungary, 2012 Astra Film Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 2013 Cinepub este singurul canal online gratuit de cinema românesc cu filme de autor, producţii independente, animatii, documentare, scurtmetraje si lungmetraje.