10 Years of StradaSforii.Ro
Why say it in words when we can say it in pictures.
Play fun videos
Editorial: …And Then Came the Reopening of Strada Sforii
The heralded reopening of the street received from the town folk, a mixed reception online and on the day (21 September 2018) only a handful were in attendance – mostly from the media. (more…)
Editorial: How ‘narrow’ is a piece of string?
FIVE-YEAR REBOOT: The battle for ‘the Narrowest Street in Europe’ is on. (more…)
Editorial: …And then ‘Sforicica’ was Defaced
NOV UPDATE: In a uncanny and terrible twist of fate Sforicica also had her extended arm sawed off, for reasons it couldn’t cope anymore with the weight stress children had inflicted. (more…)
November 2018 on Strada Sforii
Pictures from the month of November, before and after ‘Sforicica’ had her arm ‘sur-really’ sawed-off. (more…)
December 2018 and January 2019 on Strada Sforii
Too early for spring but some interesting bits and some snow. Some of the pips braved the cold to take these. (more…)
February and March 2019 on Strada Sforii
With spring in the air, thank the weather people are not ‘keeping their feet on the ground’ anymore and acrobatics are back. (more…)
April and May 2019 on Strada Sforii
Easter fun & May joy – the girls are back in town. (more…)
August and September 2019 on Strada Sforii
Late summer on Strada Sforii, people flocking in before autumn sets in. The #StradaSforiiCat is watching everybody. (more…)
October and November 2019 on Strada Sforii
That moment in autumn, that feeling… on Strada Sforii. (more…)
December 2019 and January 2020 on Strada Sforii
2019 is gone – Long live 2020 on Strada Sforii. Well it’s just one year of life but it can be maybe so much more, let’s see what happens next. (more…)
JUST b THERE: February and March 2020 on Strada Sforii
Strada Sforii gearing up for spring, and to face-off with the eponymous virus in the city of the Corona. (more…)
IN WAITING: April and May 2020 on Strada Sforii
Strada Sforii step by step winning over the pandemic. (more…)
SUMMER CROWN: June and July 2020 on Strada Sforii
A new breath of life on Strada Sforii. (more…)
LOVE b4 PANDEMIC: August, September and October 2020 on Strada Sforii
A hot summer turning into autumn on Strada Sforii. 3 months of love and not giving in to the pandemic. (more…)
PHOTO FINISH: November and December 2020 on Strada Sforii
Photo finish of the year that was 2020 on #StrdaSforii. (more…)
2020 Best Best Pics
The 25 best pics of #StradaSforii in 2020, plus top 3 videos. (more…)
StradaSforii video playlists
From fun and tunes to just a walk down #StradaSforii – pick the one you like and click PLAY. (more…)
WINTER LIGHT: January and February 2021 on Strada Sforii
Beginning of the year on #StradaSforii with the Corona virus bad vibe being exorcised. (more…)
SPRING CRAVING : March and April 2021 on Strada Sforii
Spring craving on #StradaSforii – Easter and winter at the opposite ends. (more…)
SUMMER WORDS : May and June 2021 on Strada Sforii
Wet summer and lots of words on #StradaSforii. (more…)
ART WARS : July and Aug 2021 on Strada Sforii
The war between ‘visiting writers’ and ‘the locals’ who crave a ‘clean’ street reaches fever pitch. (more…)
FUN STREET : Sept and Oct 2021 on Strada Sforii
In spite of the pandemic Strada Sforii is a place where people enjoyed a moment of freedom a moment that they could take in their hearts and could leave a message to the loved ones (well, mostly).. (more…)
COLLECTION: The Acrobatics on Strada Sforii
The show must go on: the acrobatics in time of pestilence… fun, dangerous and cool too. (more…)
END or NEW BEGINNING : Nov and Dec 2021 on Strada Sforii
The end of the pandemic or a new beginning? Masked, vaxxed or NOT everybody is welcome on #StradaSforii. (more…)
The Blues on Strada Sforii: Vids Collection
A growing collection of short form videos and vibes devised and performed by POP on Strada Sforii, over a number of years. First two shorts: one about Sforicica coming to Strada Sforii and the second about launch of the Studio. Vernisaj SFORICICASFORII Studio
Super Best Pics of 2021
#StradaSforii is about the best but not about a top. Here are the best 39 pics + 12 videos of 2021. (more…)
WINTER CALLING : Jan and Feb 2022 on Strada Sforii
Welcome to winter on #StradaSforii and the beginning of 2022. (more…)
COLLECTION: Pandemic Graffiti Messages
The word in time of pestilence… some beautiful, some mean, some painfully funny and few pornographic too. (more…)
SPRING SETS : Mar and Apr 2022 on Strada Sforii
Spring sets in on #StradaSforii – what better time to show yourself here! (more…)
MY STREET : May and June 2022 on Strada Sforii
My street is #StradaSforii – take ownership and have fun! (more…)
SUMMER OF LOVE : July, August September October and November 2022 on Strada Sforii
Summer of love #StradaSforii – in the face of a planned closure at the request of ‘friendly neighbours’! (more…)
Strada Sforii : kaleidoscope collection 1
If you can’t see it it doesn’t mean it’s not here. Here it is… a kaleidoscopic digital interpretation of Strada Sforii by POP (more…)
Best Pics of 2022
#StradaSforii is about the best but not about a top. Here are the best 22 pics + 21 videos of 2022. (more…)
2023 : December 2022, January and February on Strada Sforii
2023 on #StradaSforii – the year that no one knows how it would turn out. (more…)
Strada Sforii : kaleidoscope collection 2
If you can’t see it it doesn’t mean it’s not here. Here it is… a kaleidoscopic digital interpretation of Strada Sforii by POP (more…)
2023 : March April and May on Strada Sforii
Spring 2023 on #StradaSforii – with ups and downs and best moments in-between. (more…)
Strada Sforii : kaleidoscope collection 3
If you can’t see it it doesn’t mean it’s not here. Here it is… a kaleidoscopic digital interpretation of Strada Sforii by POP (more…)
2023 : June & July on Strada Sforii
Summer 2023 on #StradaSforii – got your girlfriends coming over? (more…)
Strada Sforii : kaleidoscope collection 4
If you can’t see it it doesn’t mean it’s not here. Here it is… a kaleidoscopic digital interpretation of Strada Sforii by POP (more…)
Strada Sforii 2013-23: splash screens X
Sforii splash screens over the past 10 years capturing the ever-changing spirit of our street. VIEW CELEBRATION PAGE STRADA SFORII is X VIEW CELEBRATION PAGE STRADA SFORII is X
2023 : Aug & Sept on Strada Sforii
Late summer with a hint of autumn kisses on #StradaSforii (more…)
Strada Sforii Characters : by POP
2023-24 graffiti characters not always easy to spot. (more…)
2024 – 23 : JUL to DEC on Strada Sforii
Half of 2024 and a bit over on #StradaSforii (more…)